Not Your Advisor
Not your Advisor x NYUGrad
“Corruption is paid by the poor” — Pope Francis. 🎧 #293 (Sep 26)

“Corruption is paid by the poor” — Pope Francis. 🎧 #293 (Sep 26)

Stocks have gone nowhere since rate cut rally

Stock Markets in under 15 minutes. No ads. No politics. Easy to follow for your morning coffee, dog walk or commute.

Paid Episode 26 min

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Hurricane Helene explodes to Category 4 hours from landfall in Florida

TKL points out, The S&P 500 has now officially added $8 TRILLION in market cap year-to-date. 
These 7 stocks made up $4+ Trillion of that. You should be very concerned about this concentration. 

OpenAI CTO Mira Murati Is Leaving the Company

In a letter to the OpenAI team posted on X, Murati wrote that “this moment feels right” to step down.

Apple $AAPL outsourcing their future to Open Ai was a huge mistake. The 16 release was such a blunder. A phone touted to be future proofed for ai but you have to buy the device and wait.

SMCI Investigation

Hat tip to Mr Wizard on Slopeofhope for reminding me of Peter Turchin.

"Elite overproduction is a concept developed by Peter Turchin that describes the condition of a society that is producing too many potential elite members relative to its ability to absorb them into the power structure." 

We may be seeing this play out in front of our eyes. Or Adams simply got caught doing illegal things.

Here is the allegation for NYC Mayor.

After Turkish campaign contributions (already illegal), Adams then applied for a public matching program for straw donations, getting “as much as $2,000 in public funds for each illegal contribution” by falsely certifing those contributions as kosher, the court papers state.

“All told, the 2021 Campaign reaped over $10 million in Matching Funds”

Then add over $120k in luxury travel perks that were never reported.


Damian Williams Southern District attorney has ran down Sam Bankman and Menendez. Now Mayor Adams in his sights.

Will the Southern District of NY finally lock up Diddy (I mean The Joker) forever?

(2022 photo of Diddy as himself.)

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